Christmas Stocking Worksheets Printables

…your child is exceptionally skilled with a scissors, you can print out two or three pages at a time and give them the opportunity to practice on the black-and-white versions….

Christmas Holly Printables

…children already have a bit of experience, print some anagram-related puzzles suitable for ages six and up. These puzzles will keep their brains active and they will love solving these…

Christmas Gingerbread House Printables

…There is a wide variety of creative designs and ideas to incorporate into the process such as gift tags and garland. Even more fun are the creative Advent calendars that…

Dot Paint Printables Christmas

…calendars that help your family countdown to Christmas. There are endless possibilities! Make sure you download your freebies and print them off when you receive them. If your kids have…

Christmas Tree Symmetry Printables

…have grown older, print some anagram-related puzzles that are perfect for ages six and up. The games will keep their brain active, and they’ll enjoy solving these word-based puzzles. It…

Free Christmas Grinch Printables

…print out one or more puzzles black and white, or print them with full-color. The kids will love finding the words hidden inside that Christmas carol. These printables for free…

Sally Nightmare Before Christmas Printables

…are the creative Advent calendar designs that will assist your family to count down the days until Christmas. There are endless possibilities! Just be sure to download your templates and…